Summer is approaching and that means more work in the garden, for summer will bring with itself more dryness, harsher sunlight and even more pests. But do not worry. Here are some amazing tips that will help keeping your garden fresh throughout the summer. After following these tips your garden will look as if it has been given a makeover by a commercial lawn care expert . Follow these tips to Save Your Garden This Summer!
- Manure: Spreading a thin layer, 2-3 inches, of manure over the soil will keep the plant roots cool and healthy as it shields the soil from the harsh sunlight above. You can use any type of manure from wood shreds to organic mulch.
- Plan ahead: Before the summer arrives, plan and plant the seeds and bulbs of summer oriented flowers. Some of the best choices for you can be Dahlia, Gerbera, Pansy and Calla.
- Weed: Weeds can be pesky and can rob your precious plants of their water and nutrients. They love to come out in summers. So, it is essential to pull out the weeds when they are young and small. If you allow them to grow they can even produce seeds and make your garden look like a jungle.
- Pinch perennials: Every garden has a few of those perennial plants. The best way to make sure that they grow tall and straight in summers is to pinch their tops. It makes their side-shoots bloom. If your garden does not have any perennials then you can plant some new ones like perennial sunflower, balloon flower etc.
- Clip away dried flowers: This process is named as deadheading. You should remove all the spent flowers from plants so that fresh flowers can replace them.
- Keep an eye on pests: Use of pest control measures like pesticides and anti-termites is essential in the garden as pests can destroy your garden. Some of the common summer pests that you need to keep an eye out for are – grasshoppers, cucumber beetles, Japanese beetles, black spot etc.
- Water: It’s a myth that more watering leads to better foliage in summers as it may lead to wilting. Most professionals prefer an average of 1 inch water per week. Also, instead of watering the leaves, as it can lead to diseases, you should water the roots of the plants.
- Grow vegetables: By growing vegetables like eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers etc. can also reduce garden pests as the pests tend to get more attracted to the overripe vegetables.
- Add color to your garden: Summer comes with dryness and heat. Thus, it is soothing to the eyes to see bright colors. Adding colorful flowering plants will brighten up your garden that has to go through a hard summer. Also, it will attract everyone’s attention. Do not be afraid to experiment with flowers of different colors.
If you follow those tips and tricks you will be able to successfully Save Your Garden This Summer!